August 18

It Has Been A While

Every month, I come back to here and think “damn I have been neglecting this blog so much, I need to write something” and then close down the tab (bad, I know). I keep telling myself that I cannot think of something to put together of adequate quality to present to a wider audience but sub-consciously I know that is just an excuse and one I need to get past!

To make the comeback easier, I thought it would be best to put together a summary of what I have been up to so far this year and then see where I go over the next few months in terms of blog posts… So lets get it started!

Professional Life

Despite the want to leave retail life, unfortunately opportunities have not been as forthcoming as I would have liked, I managed to get one interview to just be pipped at the post which is unfortunate but as always, just need to pick myself up, dust myself off and start looking again which is the plan!

Working in a more professional environment is the end goal but mainly I have been looking at technical roles (Software Configuration, Programming etc) and will keep pushing my skills to be more attractive to potential employers!

Streaming and Community

Well what can I say on this one? I have a small but amazing community that continually surprise me with the different levels of support from just turning up to financial. One amazing example is that in January/February I started a community goal to put money towards building a modern PC and retire the ancient machine I have been using for a decade! I expected this goal to still be going at Christmas this year but we managed to smash the goal by April which was crazy.


Other Tidbits

I have been doing a lot more programming in my spare time which has been excellent. Part of this is in the form of a website that I have released for my streamer personality which is a great showcase of leveraging the Twitch API as almost all the content is provided by data from the API services. The site also showcases a couple of side projects that I have been working on and released to the community as a whole and will continually add to it as I release new projects

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