It has been a while!
So it has been almost 3 months since I last wrote here and a lot has changed in so many different ways, professionally, personally, physically and mentally too! So what has happened you ask? Well lets split it up:
After 6 years, 10 months and 1 day of working for o2, I decided to start putting out feelers for different jobs, both in retail and outside of retail as I feel the stress and mental drain of the job far outweighs the benefits and it has done for quite a while. I am fed up of returning home from work mentally tired and fed up as it isn’t easy to just shake off when I get home which is affecting my work/life balance massively. For the programming side of my professional career I need to reboot my programming and build up a portfolio which pushed me harder to get DDR onto a framework (which it is now btw so go take a look).
On top of the framework, I was previously building the Android app that was previously chronicled on the blog which hasn’t progressed much more unfortunately but it will be making a return before the end of the month! I have also taken up to learning C# and again I will be working on a fun project to develop my knowledge of the language and spur me on. The twist to this project is that I have also asked Quis to help out on the graphical and story-line stuff but more information will be on that soon!
Personally and Physically
As a lot of you know, this year was my return to Rugby Union after so long away from it, it certainly has been a fun year of it but yesterday was my last match of the season due to work commitments which is sad and unfortunate. The community that is Yarnbury RFC is just amazing but it has also helped me lose weight too which is an added bonus!