Once again, the year is wrapping up and it is time to review both the highs and the lows of the year. This year however is slightly different as it is not just the year that is ending, it is also the end of the decade. There were plenty of lows this year but yet again, I have had far more positives over the year that has far outweighed any low that I have experienced as well as plenty of opportunities to start off 2020 in a positive fashion. As always, I will split this up into a few sections with a quick review of last year’s goals and then what the plan is for 2020!
This year has been one of my worst for consistency unfortunately. It started off well, keeping to my 12 streams a month average but after 4 or 5 months, it took a turn for the worst with a few personal issues that was going on. On the positive side, I managed to exceed the 5 viewer average goal I set myself for the year, this was largly thanks to the high average viewer streams between June and August. Unfortunately I didn’t hit the 500 follower goal I had set either. On the positive side, I did get accepted to The Live Coders which will bring some good challenges and opportunities over the next year.

To prepare for 2020, myself and Clare have been spending some time planning out how the first quarter of the year is going to look and if everything goes to plan then it is going to be a busy start to the year. In the first month or two, the streams will only be on the weekend whilst I get re-adjusted. Below are the goals for 2020:
1) Average a minimum 12 times a month over the year (144 times overall).
2) At a minimum, maintain 2019’s average view count of 13. Stretch goal is to knock it up to 15 average over the year.
3) Look for a minimum 100 new followers over 2020, 200 as a stretch goal.
Now this one has been both the cause of my lowest moments of 2019 but also my highest moments of the year too. Those that know me on a personal level, understand fully know hellish my current boss is. Well, working for her finally took me to breaking point which resulted in quite a bad deterioration in my mental health which with a little push from Clare, I went to see my GP who decided it was best that I take a leave of abcense from work for a two month period.
During this period, I felt so much about my personality change in a positive manner. It was almost like a weight had been lifted from my my mind, my shoulders and everywhere else. In the first week of being off, I also applied at a couple of companies. One as a PHP developer and one as a Supply Chain Analyst. Suprisingly enough, both of them wanted to hire me which was a massive tick in the box for finding a new role and I felt a million times better as well!
I start the new job in January and whilst it is a shame that I am leaving o2 after nine and a half years, it is a fresh start for a fresh decade… Same as when I started at o2 so it feels like it bodes well! My goal for 2020 is to really get into this role and develop myself massively!
I am not going to put out a personal section this year but I am really looking forward to what 2020 is going to bring in all aspects of my life. I am really greatful to all the friends, both physical and virtual that has helped me and been there throughout the year.